AmeriFence Corporation – Temporary Fence Rental in Kansas City
Having worked in the construction fence industry 55+ years — installing more than 100,000 feet of temporary fencing across the continental U.S. — American Fence Rental is the top choice for rental fencing in Kansas City. Our temporary rental fence systems lend the security and protection needed for a variety of projects: construction areas, marathons, weddings, concerts, etc. Customers work directly with our project managers, choosing the correct rental fence option for their individual needs. Our company offers thousands of temporary fence panels, barricades, posts, and fabric — plus many options, including anti-climb and classic chain link temporary fence. We can also customize fencing to the needs of each customer’s project.
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Draw My Fence
Draw to scale directly over your jobsite on Google Maps or begin from a blank canvas. Either way you can quickly layout your temporary fencing needs for your next project. Once the drawing is complete, select your preferred type of temporary fencing, fill out a short form and our estimators will have all the information they need to give you an accurate estimate.
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6′ Freestanding Panels
8′ Freestanding Panels
Posts Driven Chain Link
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Commercial Temporary Fences in Kansas City
Panel Fence in Kansas City
Quick to install and cost-effective, AmeriFence’s temporary systems are customizable, designed to provide quick and convenient solutions. For this reason, they’ve been designed to be easily configured and reconfigured. For job and project sites with regularly changing perimeter fencing needs, these are the ideal security solution. Temporary fence panels installed either by drilling into the pavement or with a freestanding system.
Our rental barricades help regulate pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Perfect for weddings, marathons, golf tournaments, parades, concerts, etc, these lightweight barricades require no special installation equipment.
Gates in Kansas City
Pedestrian gates, vehicle swing gates, and vehicle slide gates. Whether you need gates for the purpose of accommodating pedestrians or controlling vehicle entry, we can help ensure only authorized personnel gain entry to your site.
Chain Link Fencing in Kansas City
AmeriFence’s chain link temp fencing provides high level of security. Typical installation methods consist of posts pounded into the ground or sandbag-anchored portable fence stands. Useful for construction sites as well as crowd control for special events such as weddings and tournaments.
Windscreens in Kansas City
Also known as privacy screens, windscreens help prevent distractions from entering job sites, namely wind, debris, and dirt. Widescreens can also be customized for project promotion and advertising. This is a temporary fence solution simultaneously useful as part of a branding strategy — in addition to boosting security.
Security Fencing in Kansas City
AmeriFence’s security options include barbwire security top, bottom tension wire, top rail framework, access control devices, and the Ultra Latch, an exclusive bolt cutter-proof device. The Ultra Latch is able to match the security demands of the nation’s top energy providers and is a valuable installation at power plants and data centers.
Anti-Climb Temporary Fence Panels in Kansas City

Try anti-climb temp fencing for an extra boost of security. Featuring narrow rectangular mesh and C-brackets on all corners, this fence is welded on all sides for a stronger frame. Anti-climb temporary fencing was designed to deter thieves, vandals, all unauthorized personnel from accessing your job site. These temporary fence panels consist of 99 vertical and 13 horizontal wires protruding beyond the tube. Anyone managing to climb this fencing would still be met with a nasty surprise upon reaching the top.
Chain Link Temporary Fence Panels in Kansas City

Installation of temporary chain link post and fabric is performed by driving posts into the ground. Sometimes it is necessary to core drill into concrete or asphalt surfaces first prior to driving the posts. Posts can be installed via sandbag-anchored portable stands if breaking up existing surfaces is not desired. Temporary post and fabric chain link fence is best for creating continuous, well-anchored barriers. You may customize your rental fence with additional options including barbwire for site security or protection from dust and prying eyes with our privacy screening.
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