Planning a Playground | AmeriFence Corporation of Kansas City

It’s not every day that one makes plans for a new playground in Kansas City. Because purchasing equipment, surfacing, and accessories is not a regular occurrence for most people, it helps to get a feel for goals and expectations by answering a few questions in advance. To help with your project planning, AmeriFence Corporation of Kansas City has compiled the following list of questions to ask yourself—courtesy of our sister division, American Playground Company.
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Who are your project leaders? Where is the money coming from? Unless you’re paying out of your own pocket for equipment and surfacing, a good preliminary question is: “Who is providing the money flow for my playground in Kansas City?” Is the project being financed by project leaders or a fundraising group? Identify everyone channeling money into the project. It is also worthwhile to consult school personnel and civil clerks, as they might have some input on the finished playground.
What is the budget for your playground in Kansas City? This may come across as stating the obvious, but your project is more likely to run smoothly if you establish available money upfront—and keep everyone on the leadership team informed of all expenditures. Determining a budget ahead of time also helps establish trust with playground contractors. Most representatives will ask about a budget when they first speak with you; if you one prepared, this shows you’re serious about the project.
What is your estimated time frame? Keep this in mind when you speak with your playground rep. Be sure to ask about worst-case scenarios regarding manufacturing lead time and installation. Why is this important to ask? The lead time on certain products can be unusually long and potentially slow down progress on your Kansas City playground completion. Here’s a helpful solution.
- Carefully research playground products
- Pick out the ideal products
- For each ideal product, select two or three alternative choices
- Ask your playground representative about the leads on both your primary and secondary choices
This way, if any of your #1 choices end up having too long a lead time, you can default to one of the alternatives.
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What should I look for in playground vendors? Our friends at American Playground Company recommend seeking a contractor with: good reviews; good references; an organized installation plan; and a straightforward proposal.
What is ADA compliance and why is it required for my playground in Kansas City? ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) is a law introduced in 1990 that prohibits disability-based discrimination. The law essentially requires playgrounds in Kansas City to include: accessible paths from the play area to the nearest parking lot or building; accessible paths from the edge of the play area to the play equipment; surfacing compliant with ASTM (Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment).
In short: ADA compliance helps make your playground in Kansas City inclusive and welcoming to kids of all backgrounds and abilities.
What type of surfacing do I need for my playground in Kansas City? As with everything else, the right surfacing type will be determined by factors that include budget, ADA compliance, and installation capacities. There are two types of playground surfacing:
- Solid surfacing. Examples include rubber tile, poured-in-place, and artificial turf. An important note for budgetary concerns: solid surfacing is typically more expensive. If you install a large quantity of this surfacing type, you’ll have less money remaining for the playground equipment.
- Loose fill surfacing. Examples include sand, pea gravel, rubber mulch, and wood fiber. While less expensive than solid surfacing, these materials generally require more maintenance. Keep that in mind when considering long-term expenses for your playground in Kansas City.
American Playground Company recommends a mix of solid and loose fill surfacing, using each on different parts of the playground where it makes sense. Have questions about which type works best where—and why—or about anything else regarding playgrounds in Kansas City? Feel free to contact our friends at American Playground Company for more information!