Do I Need Dumpster Enclosures in Kansas?

Custom wood dumpster enclosure with metal framework and solid wood pickets

Dumpster enclosures typically rank high among the finishing touches property owners think of when completing their commercial enterprise. Having a designated place to dispose of garbage contributes to cleanliness and creates not only a sanitary environment. It also creates a more professional presentation. (After all, who’s going to step into—let alone give their business to—a company whose headquarters is strewn with litter?) But whereas installing dumpsters might seem like a no-brainer, setting up dumpster enclosures is a consideration not everyone necessarily thinks of—even though it has the potential to improve workflow and save your company from painful local government fines!

Yes, that’s right. Depending on where you live, civil codes might require you to obscure your dumpsters from public view. Also, be aware that sometimes community laws change regarding this matter. Local ordinances might not require dumpster enclosures today, but that doesn’t mean the laws won’t change in the near future. For example, the city of Bonner Springs didn’t require local businesses to install dumpster enclosures until 2015.

Why should I get a trash enclosure in Kansas?

Believe it or not, trash enclosures also help improve productivity. Having a physical barrier surrounding your dumpster shields it from wind threatening to blow unsanitary content across your parking lot (remember the importance of having a good presentation). Imagine the precious time wasted—and the valuable work hours lost—if your employees spend every morning tidying up rather than jumping straight into their assigned duties. Cleaning up the lot doesn’t move the needle on company projects whatsoever!

Without a dumpster enclosure, employees might also be wasting valuable time cleaning up messes caused by animals. Stray cats and raccoons perpetually search for an easy meal, and an unprotected dumpster—loaded with half-eaten meals and candy wrappers still carrying the scent of sugar—serve as an open banquet. If you live near wooded areas, bears might occasionally frequent your trash, and there’s no telling how destructively messy they’ll become rooting around. This is yet another area wherein dumpster enclosures become useful. By surrounding all four sides of your receptacles with walls, you’ll help seal off access to wild animals.

And let’s not forget about human intruders. Vandals who just enjoy messing up other people’s property. Having a tall barrier with a locked gate will help keep them out, too!

Where can I get dumpster enclosures in Kansas?

Whether you’re required to install a dumpster enclosure or if you simply want to be ahead of the game in the event that local laws should change, AmeriFence Corporation’s screening division, PalmSHIELD, is your go-to contractor! Their designers work closely with the fabrication team of another sister division, Patriot Custom Metals, to create the best trash receptacle screening on the market. As noted in this July 2022 article on the PalmSHIELD website, each trash enclosure system employs the industry’s only Picture Frame Design, with the louvered infill framed between solid bars of material.

What’s more, everything is built custom, to the exact parameters of the individual project; the screening can be as tall and as long as needed. Each project’s fabricated by a team of 6G-certified professional welders. They, in turn, work in a modern facility more than 80 thousand square feet in size! As you can see in the video above, their facility features only the best equipment!

In short: installing trash enclosures in Kansas comes with a number of benefits. It improves the appearance of your facility, helps ensure productivity by keeping your staff from wasting valuable time performing maintenance, keeps animals out of your trash, and helps avoid hefty fines. Contact PalmSHIELD’s sales staff today for a free quote on dumpster enclosures!