Secure your site with Temporary Fence and Ultra Latch

High quality, ultra sturdy temporary fencing by AmreiFence Corporation Kansas City

Temporary construction rental fence is not so temporary.  AmeriFence Corporation of Kansas City uses only top notch quality commercial grade materials in the construction and installation of our temporary fences.  We also use a simple ring design on our panels that makes it easy to modify the system.  No complicated hardware, and nuts and bolts that get lost or take too much time to remove.


Our unique one-of-a-kind panel system uses commercial grade 12 gauge galvanized 1 5/8” diameter framework.  Most temporary fence panels use small residential grade framework that is easily damaged during handling and maneuvering around the jobsite.  Our customers select a panel system for good reason.  They want the ability to modify the installation during construction.


We are crazy about our sandbags.  So much so that we put our name on each bag.  Our sandbags are double lined and resistant to UV light.  We tested dozens of bags until we found one that you could drop and run-over without immediately bursting.  We know that these bags get beat-up and don’t want you to have to clean-up upon removal.


There are millions of dollars of your construction materials and a great deal of liability behind our gates.  That is why we offer our customers our patent pending Ultra Latch.  This is the only no-cut non-removable gate latch available.  You don’t have to worry about trespassers cutting the lock or latch.

Safe and secure with the one and only no-cut Ultra Latch by AmeriFence Corporation Kansas City

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